The mission of the Faculty is to prepare experts with a wide range of knowledge in the field of ecology and environmental sciences for the needs of the state administration and local self-government, specialized organisations of nature, landscape as well as the environment conservation managed by the Ministry of the Environment of the Slovak Republic, departments of the environment in production enterprises and research, but also for non-governmental environmental organizations and consultancy in the fields of waste management, waste gases, waste water, environmental monitoring, environmental quality of products and technologies. The Faculty as a scientific research centre is focused on basic research, especially in the field of ecology of landscape, forest, agricultural and urban ecosystems, general ecology, applied research into the impact of production technologies on the environment and ecological quality of materials.
The Faculty's research work is focused on the following four areas:
- basic biota research (biodiversity study, biota-environment relations, biomonitoring of the environment),
- basic research into the landscape and its components (ecological principles of landscaping, nature and landscape exploitation and protection),
- analysis and examination of changes in the quality of the human environment (monitoring of environmental factors, ecology of technological processes and production, care of renewable natural resources, waste management),
- philosophical and social aspects of relations between man, nature, and society.