1 | Koprda, V.: Radioactive waste and the back part of fuel cycle of nuclear installations in Slovakia (pages11-14)
|  | 278.85 KB |
2 | Böhm, R., Holý, K.: The assessment of radon risk by dosimetric approach (pages 15-18)
|  | 442.51 KB |
3 | Dulanská, S., Oláhová, K.: Correlation of radionuclides in radioactive wastes (pages 19-23)
|  | 293.03 KB |
4 | Chnapko, P., Slávik, O., Nižnanský, V., Matušek, I.: Management ofradactively contaminated soil within the frame of NPP A-1 deco
|  | 265.17 KB |
5 | Kuruc, J., Ceklovsky, A., Rajec, P.: The determination of 226RA in water samples (pages 29-32)
|  | 312.05 KB |
6 | Rajec, P.: Modern separation methods for radionuclide isolation (pages 33-37)
|  | 196.31 KB |
7 | Vičanová, M., Nikodemová, D., Huťková, A., Koreňová, Z.: Intercomparison of soil radon concentration measurements (pages 39-44)
|  | 347.6 KB |
8 | Vičanová, M.: Radiation load from radon exposure of cave staff (pages 45-49)
|  | 257.7 KB |
9 | Böhm, R., Holý, K.: The assessment of radon risk by microdosimetric approach (pages 51-54)
|  | 261.19 KB |
10 | Húšťava, Š., Halada, L.: Utilisation of large-volume proportional detektors for gamma radiation sources measurement (pages 55-6
|  | 303.2 KB |
11 | Horník, M., Lesný, J., Pipíška, M., Augustín, J.: Limitations of applicability of phytoextraction methods in remediation of soil
|  | 309.57 KB |
12 | Závodská, L., Lesný, J.: Kinetic study of Sr2+ sorption on soil matrices (pages 67-72)
|  | 283.17 KB |
13 | Semenov, V.: Radiation risk in the structure of overallrisk (pages 73-79)
|  | 241.51 KB |
14 | Mojzeš, A.: Soil emanometry possibilities in assessment ofdifferent influences on environment (pages 81-86)
|  | 252.39 KB |
15 | Smetanová, I., Holý, K., Polášková, A., Túnyi, I., Steinitz, G.: Radon monitoring at Modra astronomical and geophysical observat
|  | 263.79 KB |
16 | Samešová, D.: Aspects of waste management in the environmental system of busisines management (pages 95-100)
|  | 251.95 KB |
17 | Janoš, P., Rýznarová, M., Buchtová, H., Grötschelová, S.: Non-conventional sorbents for wastewater treatment (pages 101-103)
|  | 247.97 KB |
18 | Demko, J.: Environmental aspects of biomass incineration or what to do with ash from biomass incineration (pages 105-109)
|  | 322.83 KB |
19 | Bujnová, A., Koprda, V., Lesný, J.: The exploitation of slovak natural zeolites and zeolone to enrichment ofsoils with Zn and to
|  | 363.47 KB |
20 | Ladomerský, J., Hroncová, E., Vargovčík, V.: Emissions´ production dependency on conditions of the wood combustor manual operat
|  | 306.01 KB |
21 | Welward, L., Perháčová, Z., Zlevský, M.: Protection of the selected water reservoires in water management system Banská Štiavnic
|  | 265.93 KB |